2023 has been a fantastic year for music with an absolute plethora of superb albums that I have reviewed. It’s always very difficult indeed to pick out my favourite twenty releases from such a stellar year but here are the ones that have really left a mark for me.
They are in no particular order for the first nineteen but I have debated long and hard about my number one album so read on and find out what has taken the honour for 2023…
This Winter Machine – ‘The Clockwork Man’

‘The Clockwork Man’ is modern, neo-tinged, progressive rock at its finest and most involving, perfectly created and performed by a band who have found their feet after three accomplished releases and have delivered their finest work yet. This Winter Machine now stand at the forefront of modern neo-progressive rock and can be rightly proud of a concept album that can stand the test of time with some of the best that have gone before.
Released 6th October, 2023.
Order from White Knight Records here:
This Winter Machine – The Clockwork Man CD (pre-order) | whiteknightrecords (bandcamp.com)
One Sided Horse – ‘My Favourite City At Night In The Rain’

So, there you have it, ‘My Favourite City At Night In The Rain’ is quite possibly one of the most important albums you will listen to this year. If you want an example of why music is so wonderful and moves people in so many ways then you cannot pick a better example than this utterly triumphant work of art, Mark Whiteside and One Sided Horse please take a bow, I thank you from the bottom of my heart…
Released 8th September, 2023.
Order here:
My Favourite City At Night In The Rain | One Sided Horse (bandcamp.com)
Hekz – ‘Terra Nova’

Well, what can I say, I knew that a new Hekz album would be something pretty good but I had no idea it would be this special. With ‘Terra Nova’, Hekz have given us the ultimate involving musical thrill ride and I just don’t want to get off. To tell the truth, it’s the best progressive-metal album I’ve heard in many a year and, if this is the future of the genre, I’m completely sold!
Released 3rd November, 2023.
Order from the band here:
Terra Nova | HeKz 2/3 (hekztheband.com)
Comedy of Errors – ‘Threnody For A Dead Queen’

‘Threnody For A Dead Queen’ is Comedy Of Errors at their very, very best, the music builds, almost as if alive, it has moods and emotions and captivates from the very first note. This band just get better and better with each wonderful album they create and, without exception, this release is up there with the very best of the year so far. Hell, in my opinion, it is Comedy Of Errors’ best yet, their Magnum Opus if you like and you should just go out and buy it!
Released 2nd June, 2023.
Order the CD direct from the band here:
Order the mp3 from bandcamp here:
Threnody For A Dead Queen | Comedy Of Errors (bandcamp.com)
Zeelley Moon – ‘The Author And The Dreamer’

‘The Author and the Dreamer’ connects with you in your sub-conscious, the songwriting and performances are second to none and Zeelley Moon’s innate Englishness and idiosyncracies are what make this music so appealing and enjoyable and one of my albums of 2023. Do yourselves a favour and get your hands on it as soon as you can!
Released 20th November, 2023.
Download and streaming on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube Music and the usual others.
Physical Album sales available on Discogs.com or direct at zeelleymoon@yahoo.co.uk.
The Round Window – ‘Everywhere & Nowhere’

Everywhere & Nowhere’ takes everything that was great about the band’s debut and just lifts it several levels. It is lush, classy, insightful and so melodically impressive and is an album that The Round Window should be mightily proud of. Difficult second album? not for these highly accomplished musicians!
Released 8th December, 2023.
Order digital from bandcamp here:
Everywhere & Nowhere | The Round Window (bandcamp.com)
Order CD’s direct from the band’s website here:
Everywhere & Nowhere – The Round Window
Moon Safari – ‘Himlabacken Vol. 2’

Music has the power to move you and impact on your life in a positive manner and, with ‘Himlabacken Vol. 2’, Moon Safari have delivered the most wonderfully uplifting collection of songs I have heard this year. A joyous, mood enhancing release that just makes this world we live in a better place to be, if only for a short time. Trust me, you need this album in your life!
Released 8th December, 2023.
Order digital at bandcamp here:
Himlabacken Vol. 2 (24-bit audio) | Moon Safari (bandcamp.com)
Order physical product from Burning Shed here:
Himlabacken Vol. 2 (burningshed.com)
The Twenty Committee – ‘The Cycle Undone’

With ‘The Cycle Undone’ The Twenty Committee have not only returned triumphant, they have also delivered one of THE musical experiences of 2023. Highly emotive songwriting allied with musicianship of the utmost quality, the band’s sophomore release builds on the enormous promise of their debut all those years ago. It may be ten years after but, boy, what a way to make a comeback!
Released 12th December, 2023.
Order the digital from bandcamp here:
The Cycle Undone | The Twenty Committee (bandcamp.com)
The Oculist – ‘Cautionary Tales’

‘Cautionary Tales’ is one of the freshest sounding albums you will hear this year, it is prog-metal for the thinking music fan and has real heart and soul at its core. I for one am intrigued to see what this talented duo come up with next.
Released 8th December, 2023.
Order from bandcamp here:
Cautionary Tales | The Oculist (bandcamp.com)
Southern Empire – ‘Another World’

A Southern Empire record is always just more than an album release, it’s a hugely significant occasion and one that I await with bated breath. Their music has been a soundtrack of my more recent years and is very, very important to me on a musical and emotional level. ‘Another World’is an absolute masterpiece of musical theatre and, possibly, the band’s Magnum Opus, one of the best albums you will hear this or any other year, and the perfect accompaniment to my life.
Released 4th September, 2023.
Order CD from GEP here:
Another World – Pre Order – GEP
And the vinyl from GEP here:
Another World Orange Marbled Vinyl – Pre Order – GEP
John Greenwood – ‘DARK BLUE’

It’s not often we hear a truly progressive release nowadays but, almost from out of nowhere, John Greenwood has entered the fray with one of the finest releases of 2023. The musicianship and songwriting are top notch and, like all the best albums, I find this on almost permanent rotation, it is, to put it simply, utterly superb!
Released 1st July, 2023.
Order from bandcamp here:
DARK BLUE | John Greenwood (bandcamp.com)
Blue Rose Code – ‘Curios 2009-2020’

There is nothing better than music that connects with you at a basic level, music that moves you and music that almost becomes part of you and Ross Wilson and Blue Rose Code create music that is all that and more. This collection of B-sides, varieties and singles is something that should be cherished and I, for one, cannot wait for 2024 and a new album from this incredible musician. Ross Wilson, my friend, I wish you peace in your heart…
Released 3rd November, 2023.
Order from band camp here:
Curios 2009 – 2020 | Blue Rose Code (bandcamp.com)
Glass Hammer – ‘Arise’

There’s no weak link on this album, it just ebbs and flows beautifully, although the last three tracks go together so well. They’re possibly the best triumvirate of songs that the band have ever done back to back. With the Skallagrim series Glass Hammer proved themselves masters of the dynamic and grandiose and ‘Arise’ gives the impression that the creative skills of Steve Babb have gone into overdrive, is there a better storyteller in modern progressive music?
Released 27th October, 2023.
Order direct from the band here:
Galahad – ‘The Long Goodbye’

I chose ‘The Last Great Adventurer’ as my album of the year for 2022 and, in a fast paced world that never stands still, Galahad haven’t rested on their laurels. They have returned with ‘The Long Goodbye’, another wondrous musical journey that mesmerises and bewitches from beginning to end, and even surprises in places. Could this be another contender at the end of the year, I definitely don’t see why not!
Released 23rd October, 2023.
Pre-order direct from the band here:
Galahad – GALAHAD Merchandise (galahadonline.com)
Beatrix Players – ‘Living & Alive’

Beatrix Players return triumphant with the mesmerising ‘Living & Alive’, a collection of songs that are bewitching and compelling and leave you in no doubt of their stature in the music industry of today. The sublime voice of Amy Birks and outstanding musicianship on show have created one of the most outstanding releases of 2023 and one that should be on your list of must buy albums, it really is that good!
Released 22nd September, 2023.
Order digital here:
Living & Alive | Beatrix Players (bandcamp.com)
Order CD at Burning Shed:
Living & Alive (burningshed.com)
The Anchoret – ‘It All Began With Loneliness’

One of the things I love about music is when it surprises you and this debut release from The Anchoret has been a revelation. ‘It All Began With Loneliness’ is an astonishingly good album, in fact jaw-droppingly so, and is already up there as one of my favourites of the year. As prog-metal albums go, it doesn’t get much better than this!
Released 23rd June, 2023.
Order from bandcamp here:
It All Began With Loneliness | The Anchoret (bandcamp.com)
EBB – ‘Mad & Killing Time’

When you listen to as much new music as I do, it takes something truly special to stand out and ‘Mad & Killing Time’ is just that, Ebb delivering a musical highlight of the year and one that is totally unique to this incredibly talented bunch of artists. Go seek it out, you will not de disappointed in any way at all.
Released 1st November, 2022.
Order from bandcamp here:
Mad & Killing Time | Ebb (bandcamp.com)
Riverside – ‘ID.Entity’

Riverside are a band who have always gone their own way and been proud to defy convention and after the dark melancholy and sadness of recent releases, the band have returned with a brightly shining beacon of light. ‘ID.Entity’ is a generally uplifting album that puts a huge smile on my face every time I hear it and one that, I’m sure, will still be lighting up people’s lives for years to come.
Released 20th January, 2023.
Order ‘ID.Entity’ here:
Riverside – ID.Entity (lnk.to)
The Tangent – ‘Pyramids, Stars & Other Stories: The Tangent Live Recordings 2004-2017’

Ah, to reminisce is a joy we should always hold dear and this wonderful live release from one of the UK’s most venerated prog bands is a sentimental journey down memory lane and one that will remind you why The Tangent are held in such warm regard and also why live music is something worth cherishing and preserving. We, the fans, hold it in our hands to make sure music stays live so albums as brilliant as this can still get made!
Released 27th January, 2023.
Order the album here:
Pyramids, Stars & Other Stories: The Tangent Live Recordings 2004-2017 (burningshed.com)
And so it all comes down to this, the one album that just about reared its head above all others to be my favourite of 2023. It’s not a default decision, this release has really moved the game on for one of the UK’s most influential underground bands…
The Fierce And The Dead – ‘News From The Invisible World’

News From The Invisible World’– true fans will love it, there’s real maturity and creativity in this album, The Fierce And The Dead shift effortlessly between different styles to show they are no one trick ponies. You could say that this is a case of a band reinventing itself but staying close to their roots but it’s more than that, this is band raising their game to the highest level and that is really where they belong…
Released 28th July, 2023.
Order from bandcamp here:
News From The Invisible World | The Fierce And The Dead (bandcamp.com)
Thank you if you have made it this far and thank you for supporting Progradar through 2023, I don’t have a crystal ball but I’m pretty sure that 2024 is going to be another fantastic year of music so hang around for the ride, it’s going to be exciting!